We offer a market leading product, with world class customer service. That’s why we only ever charge for completed checks.

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Pay As You Go



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*Includes platform fee, price subject to volumes. Enquire for prices in local currency.

AML Data Check



per check

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*Starting at 10 check p/m, price subject to volumes. Enquire for prices in local currency.

Biometric Check



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*Starting at 10 check p/m, price subject to volumes. Enquire for prices in local currency.

Start-up Package




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*Eligibility subject to contract duration and volumes. Terms & Conditions apply.

Start-Up Package




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*Eligibility subject to contract duration and volumes. Terms & Conditions apply.

Ultimate Combo



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All Features

Pay as you go

AML Data check

Biometric check

Ultimate Combo

Free Training

We want to ensure that every customer gets the most out of our system, that’s why we offer unlimited free training to all of your users when ever you need it.

Free API Integration

We always offer the easiest way possible for our customers to run their checks, that’s why you can choose to integrate our system directly into any system of your choice through our free API

A Fully Supported 0800 Number For Your Clients

We provide a dedicated, free support line for your customersqueries. This means that the friendly APLYiD team deals with any questions fromyour customers so your teams don’t have to. jurisdictions.


AML (Anti-Money Laundering) refers to laws and procedures aimed at preventing the disguising of illegally obtained funds. AML safeguards the integrity of the financial system and combats illicit financing.


Global Politically Exposed Person (PEP) Checks involvescreening individuals in prominent public positions to identify potential risksand prevent illicit activities.

Sanctions List Screening

Sanctions List Screening is the process of checking individuals against government-issued lists to ensure compliance with sanctions regulations and prevent engagement with prohibited parties.

Adverse Media Screening

Adverse Media screening involves monitoring public sources for negative information about individuals to assess reputational and financial risks.

Proof of Address Checks from Major Credit Bureaus

Proof of Address Checks from major credit bureaus verify an individual’s residential address using various reliable sources. They are important for credit assessment and financial transactions to confirm identity and mitigate fraud risk.

Electoral Register

We run a search against the Electoral Register to check that the name and date of birth of the individual is registered at that address. 

Global Location Check

A Global Location Check verifies the physical location of individuals worldwide, the location of the device they are using and unmasked any VPN’s being used. It ensures accuracy, supports due diligence, and mitigates risk across international jurisdictions.

Access To A Dedicated Customer Support Team

APLYiD is always here to help our customers, that’s why we have a dedicated telephone number where you can speak to a real human about any questions you have on your account. Our team also provide free training for you and all of your team, to ensure that you get the most out of our system.

Identification Document Capture

This is the first part of our biometric checks, where your customers takes a picture of their ID and we securely capture and store it for you during the process. 

Document Tampering Checks

APLYiD checks the authenticity of the captured document to identify any signs of alteration, forgery, or unauthorised modifications. The purpose of these checks is to detect and prevent fraud, ensure document reliability, and maintain the integrity of important records.

During Document Tampering Checks, various techniques are employed to scrutinise documents for indicators of tampering. This will include analysing physical features like watermarks, security seals, holograms.

The objective of Document Tampering Checks is to verify that documents have not been altered, falsified, or tampered with in any way. It helps establish the trustworthiness and credibility of documents, particularly in legal, financial, or regulatory contexts.

First & Second Name Verification

This allows you to be assured that the name of your customer that was given to you and your business is the same one in their documentation. This is a great way to help cut fraud and maintain database integrity. 

Date of Birth Verification

This allows you to be assured that the date of birth of your customer that was given to you and your business is the same one in their documentation. This is a great way to help cut fraud and maintain database integrity. 

Document Verification

APLYiD verifies that the document given is real and correct. We run the documentation against government databases to ensure that the document is valid, this is applicable in certain geographical regions. 

Biometric Liveness Screen

Biometric Liveness Screening for facial biometrics refers to the process of verifying the vitality and authenticity of a person’s facial characteristics in real-time. It utilises advanced technology to ensure that the facial biometric data being captured is from a live individual and not a static image or a spoof attempt. This helps you know that your customer is who they say they are and is compared the ID to ensure this. 

Biometric Face Match

Biometric Face Match compares and verifies the similarity and identity between your customers face against their documentation. It involves using advanced facial recognition algorithms to analyse and measure the unique characteristics such as the distance between the eyes, nose shape, and mouth contours, to establish a match score or similarity measure.


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What do our customers say?
We’re committed to providing a best-in-class customer service for our clients. See the results here:

Customer Led Focus

Vintage looking woman answering the phone

Our market leading customer success team is committed to supporting your business every step of the way.

Your clients can access our 0800 support line anytime, relieving you of all technical support duties. This means you get more time to do what you do best whilst we do the heavy lifting for you.

Rest assured that we are here to help you and your business succeed.

Are you a start-up?

PEP + Sanction image, suspicious woman on TV

We’ve hatched a plan! Because we love startups and we know how hard managing costs can be and, to be honest, we just want you to focus on building something pretty darn special.

So, our new Startup Package gives you ID/AML solutions from APLYiD, for FREE (ooh it rhymes) for your first year*.  

Consider it our small way of investing in you and your business future.
Go big, do great things — because we’re rooting for you!

*Terms and conditions apply, of course, they have to!

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