Hayman-Joyce Broadway Case Study

Client Profile

Hayman-Joyce Broadway, a premier estate agency, excels in delivering exceptional real estate services. Handling diverse properties, they prioritise seamless operations and strict compliance with Anti-Money Laundering (AML) regulations.

The challenge

AML compliance can be time-consuming and labor-intensive, diverting resources from core activities. Hayman-Joyce Broadway needed a solution to streamline AML processes without compromising compliance.

The solution

Integrating APLYiD's advanced identity verification technology with the Reapit software system provided an automated solution for AML checks. This integration significantly reduced the time and effort required for compliance.

APLYiD's integration through Reapit has revolutionised our AML compliance process.

Lucy Jordan- Associate Director at Hayman-Joyce Broadway

The results

Hayman-Joyce Broadway experienced a significant reduction in AML compliance time, ensuring rigorous adherence to regulations while freeing resources for core business functions.

"APLYiD's integration through Reapit has revolutionised our AML compliance process. The time savings are significant, and the assurance of compliance gives us peace of mind. It's a perfect blend of efficiency and reliability." – Lucy Jordan- Associate Director at Hayman-Joyce Broadway.

APLYiD offers innovative identity verification solutions to streamline compliance and enhance operational efficiency.

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